Welcome to the Evangelical Comic Gallery!  My hope is that you will find something that helps you in your walk with God, and that you share those works with people you think need to hear the same thing.  The comics here are free to share as often as you like by email, social media, or you can even print as many copies as you’d like, so long as the content remains unaltered.  If you’d like to help support this ministry so that more comics can be produced at a quicker pace, you can donate following the PayPal link below.  PLEASE NOTE: I am not a 501C3 and your donation is NOT tax deductible.  The reason for this is that (at this time) the United States government regulates the speech of a 501C3 entity and I will not refrain from addressing certain issues in order to maintain that status. 


Bio of the publisher: Artist, Biblical paranormal researcher, and VODcaster Jason McLean lives in Waxahachie, Texas with his three children and beautiful, long-suffering wife. He is known for such works as How UFOs and Bigfoot Prove the Bible is TrueThe 2017 and Beyond Series, and Jesus: The Story of Salvation for Children (which has been translated into four languages). Beyond his lifelong love of art and comics, Jason’s life has been consumed with the study of archaeology, cryptozoology, ufology, and astronomy in order to better understand the Bible, its teachings, and the One behind its creation. These passions have prompted him to create the Society for the Investigation and Research of the Unexplained (S.I.R.U.) and the Evangelical Comic Gallery (E-Comic Gallery). Since man cannot obsess about the paranormal alone, he can be found every other Saturday on the Vagabond Nerds VODcast, where comic books, movies, and nerd culture are freely discussed with two of the greatest geeks anyone could ask for. Jason plans to sleep next year… maybe.

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